As an effective and dedicated law practice, we are fully committed to providing legal and business advisory services of the highest professional standard. We also act as a business-oriented and effective partner for our clients.
We understand our clients’ business; something we believe is essential to providing value-adding advisory services. We base our advice on personal dedication, flexibility and trust – and our relationship with the client always takes centre stage.
Many of our legal experts have professional experience and education above and beyond the classical legal training, for instance in international law and finance.
Our lawyers receive ongoing training to ensure that we are always able to provide optimal and highly qualified advice.
Our lawyers are also active in contexts beyond the scope of traditional legal practice. For instance, some are members of boards of directors and are involved in associations; others lecture and write on legal topics. Lastly, we regularly act as arbitrators.
All of Kønig Advokater’s legal experts are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
We established our law practice in 1981. As part of a general modernisation of the firm, we changed our name to Kønig Advokater in 2018. We also moved to newly renovated premises at Amaliegade 35, 1256 Copenhagen K in 2018. Our offices are therefore now in the same building as the Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen.
Terms of Business
The Terms of Business govern the basis upon which Kønig Advokater provides legal services and advice, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the client.
- Conflicts of interests
According to the Danish Bar and Law Society´s code of legal ethics we make sure that no conflict of interest or conflict of loyalty is present before assisting a client. Should such a conflict arise during the assisting of a client, making it necessary to discontinue our representation of the client, we are happy to recommend a different lawyer.
- Preventive anti-money laundering measures
Kønig Advokater is – as are all Danish law firms – subject to the Danish Act containing anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing measures (lov om forebyggende foranstaltninger mod hvidvaskning af penge og finansiering af terrorisme). Under the Act, Kønig Advokater is required to obtain and keep client identification records.
- Fee and payment
Fees are based upon several different parameters. Fees are calculated from the time spent, the specialist skills and experience of the lawyers involved, the complexity of the work, the importance of the matter to the client, the monetary values involved, the results achieved and the liability involved in the engagement. The fees are exclusive relevant costs and disbursements.
It can be difficult to asses a fee at the beginning of an engagement. At the clients request, we are happy to offer an assessment of the expected size of the fee before the work is commenced. In those cases where an assessment may be difficult to offer, we will inform according to which parameters the fee will be calculated, for example which hourly rates will be used for the Engagement. We will inform the client if, during the engagement, the fee is expected to exceed the given assessment.
To consumers, we will on our own initiative inform of the expected fee or the criteria for calculating the fee before the work is commenced.
- Billing
As a general rule, we request prepayment/deposit of funds regarding disbursements and external costs – and in some cases prepayment/deposit of funds regarding our fee.
Prepaid or deposited funds are deposited in our client account and may, including any interests, be used for settlement of future invoices and costs, unless otherwise agreed.
Negative interest rate is ascribed, currently 0,25% pro anno. Consequently, interest expences must be expected in addition to our fee and costs, if we keep a deposit on our client account during the period of the engagement. As a general rule, earned fee is invoiced monthly.
Our terms of payment are 14 days from date of invoice. Interests will be calculated after the Overdue Payments Interest Act. The fees are subject to VAT, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
- Disbursements
The client is separately charged for disbursements and relevant costs in connection to the engagement.
- Confidentiality
All employees at Kønig Advokater are subject to a duty of confidentiality. All information from or concerning a client at Kønig Advokater, received during the carrying out of an engagement will be treated as confidential, unless it is apparent under the circumstances, that the information is not of a confidential nature.
- Prohibition against insider dealing
All employees at Kønig Advokater are subject to rules that satisfy the requirements of the Danish Securities Trading Act on prohibition against disclosure of insider information regarding listed companies and on restrictions on trading in listed securities.
- Our advisory services
Our advisory services is targeted at the individual engagements and may therefore not be used for any other purpose without the explicit acceptance of Kønig Advokater.
- Conclusion of the engagement
Kønig Advokater continues the engagement to its natural conclusion or until the client requests that the engagement be concluded. However, we reserve the right to conclude our involvement if the terms of payment are substantially exceeded in spite of payment reminders or if the client falls into insolvency. We furthermore reserve the right to withdraw from an engagement, if we in certain cases no longer find that we can uphold responsibility for the handling of the engagement, or if we believe that it is in the interest of the client that the collaboration is ended.
Original documents will be given to the client at his/her request, usually at the conclusion of the engagement at the latest, and we store the case files for at least 5 years from date of (final) invoice.
- Complaints
Kønig Advokater is subject to the legal ethics rules contained in section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. The General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society supervises compliance with the code of legal ethics and has drawn up a Code of Conduct requiring lawyers to comply with high professional and ethical standards.
Any disputes concerning our legal assistance or our legal fees can be brought before the General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, DK-1306 Copenhagen K, e-mail:
However, if the client is not satisfied with our services or fees we ask that the client contact the partner and/or lawyer responsible for the client relationship before making contact to the General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
- Governing law and jurisdiction
Any dispute between a client and Kønig Advokater shall be resolved in accordance with Danish law, and the venue being the City Court of Copenhagen.
- Liability, Limitation of liability and insurance
Kønig Advokater is liable for damages in accordance with the general rules of Danish law and is covered by professional liability insurance in a recognized insurance company.
All lawyers in Kønig Advokater are covered by the firm´s insurance in HDI-Gjerling Forsikring. The insurance covers all legal assistance rendered by Kønig Advokater irrespective of where the legal assistance is rendered.
Kønig Advokater is not liable for any loss on operations, loss of time, loss of data, profits, goodwill, image or any similar indirect losses.
For any given assignment our liability is capped at the lower of 10 times the fee for the relevant assignment and DKK 20 million. In addition, Kønig Advokater shall not be liable to any one client for any compensation in excess of DKK 30 million in relation to claims brought by such client within any period of two calender years. If Kønig Advokater is held to be liable towards any third party and such liability arises out of our work for the Client, the Client must indemnify Kønig Advokater for any such liability which, together with any claims from the Client, exceeds the limitations prescribed in this clause or for which Kønig Advokater is not liable towards the Client.
In case of a bank´s bankruptcy the depositors will be covered according to the Danish Act on Guarantee for Depositors and Investors. The guarantee amount covers a justified depositor ´s funds up to an amount equivalent to 100,000 EURO (approx. 750,000 DKK). This maximum coverage covers the entire deposit in the bank even though the amount is places in different accounts, including clients´ accounts and own accounts.
Privacy policy
When Kønig Advokater I/S, business register (CVR) no. 26 43 86 32, (‘Law Firm’) processes personal data about you, we send you this personal data policy (‘Privacy Notice’) to inform you of the personal data the Law Firm processes about you and your rights in this regard (‘Privacy Policy’).
The Privacy Policy, which complies with EU legislation on personal data protection (GPDR) (‘General Data Protection Regulation’), is outlined in more detail below:
1. Data controller
Kønig Advokater I/S
CVR no. 26 43 86 32
Amaliegade 35
1256 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 33 70 20 00
(‘Law Firm’ or ‘Data Controller’)
The Law Firm is the Data Controller, and this means that we are responsible for processing your personal data and for processing the data in compliance with EU legislation on personal data protection.
If you have any questions about, or comments on, the Privacy Policy, you are welcome to contact the Law Firm at the above address.
2. Data
The Law Firm stores and processes the following personal data (‘Data’) about you:
- Civil registration (CPR) number and a copy of your passport and driver’s licence. We keep these to comply with anti-money laundering rules.
- Name, address, email address, mobile and private telephone number.
- Data received in connection with the handling of your case/provision of advisory services/a case in which you are designated as a party.
3. Purposes of processing personal data
We only process and store Data for the following purposes:
- To provide advice on and to process your case/the case in which you are a party.
- To manage your client or working relationship with our office.
- To tailor our marketing to you, and/or
- To comply with legal and regulatory requirements, including ethical rules and applicable anti-money laundering rules.
4. Data processors
The Law Firm does not currently use data processors.
If the Law Firm uses data processors, it will do so in compliance with a Data Processing Agreement which meets applicable requirements.
5. Disclosure
Personal data may be disclosed to:
- The Law Firm’s accountant and bank connection(s).
- Public authorities.
6. Rights
Your rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are as follows:
- You have the right to be informed about collection/processing and disclosure of information about yourself for the purpose of processing of personal data.
- You have the right of access to personal data processed about you.
- You have the right to object to the Law Firm’s electronic processing of personal data if you believe that such processing was contrary to applicable EU legislation on personal data.
- You have the right to demand rectification, erasure or blocking of data which are inaccurate or misleading.
7. Erasure of data
Personal data and information collected in connection with a given case will be deleted in the June (‘Deletion Period’) of the year following the five-year period from filing of the case in question. Cases are filed no later than three months after final invoicing.
Your client and anti-money laundering details, cf. Section 2 (a)-(b) above, are stored for a period of five years from filing of the latest case.
If the case in question concerns a will or a codicil to a will, for which Kønig & Partners is either executor or receiver, or in other cases for which specific consent has been given for the Law Firm to store data for a longer period, data are stored until the death of the longest-living beneficiary; in the alternative, for a shorter period in compliance with granted consent.
8. Complaint procedure
Complaints about the processing of personal data may be submitted to:
The Danish Data Protection Agency
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby
Tel: +45 33 19 32 00
Kønig Advokater I/S
As revised 4 February 2025.
Bank details
Bank: Nordea Bank Danmark A/S 2191
Account number 8129687283
IBAN: DK052000-8129687283